Casual Online Classes

– Tuition fee must be paid three days class in advance

– Fees are non-refundable, unless negotiated for an extended illness.

– There are no transfers, credit, refunds or make up sessions if you miss a class or if your personal circumstances change.

– Where students are disruptive or disrespectful to the teacher or other students, the teacher may ban the child from the class.

-No food includes candy or gum during a class.

– If the teacher is sick or otherwise unable to provide a class, then alternative arrangements will be offered.

– All care is taken to ensure the safety of children attending, but no responsibility will be accepted.

– No responsibility will be accepted if students are leaving or abundance classes during session.

General Face to Face Classes

– Tuition fee must be paid term in advance( One replacement class permitted per term in another class for term pay students )

– Fees are non-refundable, unless negotiated for an extended illness.

– There are no transfers, credit, refunds or make up sessions if you miss a class or if your personal circumstances change.

– All care is taken to ensure the safety of children attending, but no responsibility will be accepted.

– Parents have to leave the class while it is in progress.(face to face classes)

– Please advise before the school holiday, whether you are continuing next term so that spot is reserved.

– Additional fees may be charged for optional special materials, but these will be communicated to you prior to class.

– If students are sick during class, parents will be asked to pick them up.

– Where students are disruptive or disrespectful to the teacher or other students, the teacher may ban the child from the class.

-No food includes candy or gum during a class.

– If the teacher is sick or otherwise unable to provide a class, then alternative arrangements will be offered.

– Accepting maximum five students in a class.

-The school is not responsible for any damage or loss to computers, mobile phones, or any other devices, tools, or books brought to class by students.

-If the parent/guardian does not arrive within 10 minutes after the pick-up time, additional charges may apply as we are renting the space.

< Bank Account Detail >
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 06 2158
Account number 1022 0871

Coronavirus (COVID-19)の状況におきまして 下記の事を配慮いたします。

ー本人及びご家族の体調が悪い時、咳やくしゃみが出る 時、不安な時はお休みしてください。